From Day 1 of writing these thoughts and devotions the scenes that we will look at today have been ever present in my mind. Two older people, their lives seemingly behind them, and yet they are hanging out in the Temple.
Life, hope, and mercy are the themes on their mind. I often find my mind clogged with self righteous judgments of others. Clogged with complaints about how every one else is doing it wrong.
The overarching theme from Simeon and Anna is that God has something special prepared. There is more to come. This more, this expectation, is revealed in the person of the child Jesus. They aren’t hanging around wishing for the ‘good old days’ – they are waiting to prophesy.
How would my life look if I got up with the intent that today might be a day of prophecy? How would I speak to others if I truly believed they were made in the image of God? What might my speech sound like if I really believed that I shouldn’t prevent the youngest of children from approaching Jesus?
Our lives are either marked by expectation of Gods ability or they are marked by self dependence. Christmas is about the reality and hope of Gods presence.