Psalms 57:9    I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations.

The SBC Orchestra is a place for those musicians to give to the Lord your talent and time.  We have been so blessed to have many musicians serve God through this musical ministry.  We hold practice on Sunday mornings at 9:10 am.  Please see Brother Mike if you are interested in playing in this ministry. 

The Worship Choir continues to work on inspirational music for worship!  We are made up of men and women just like you (some read music and others cannot) who want to make a joyful noise!  We invite you to come and be a part of our practices each Wednesday at 7:30 pm.  Come and let’s sing together for Him.

The Children’s Choir is for children in grades 1-5.  Practices are at varied times throughout the year.